I congratulate the 5 winners of one free downloads of the album "Mesopotamia":
Mlx Mkfv
Peter Eppich Sonnenland
René Hartmann
Rob Roy
FL Studio Forum:
I will, of cause, contact all winners personally, so everyone gets his price.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Win one of five free downloads of the album Mesopotamia by Cimelium!
To celebrate the marvellous fact, that the album Mesopotamia by Cimelium is now available in the shops, I decided to start a little contest. The five winners get a free download of the album Mesopotamia by Cimelium. This is also thought of as some kind of a christmas present and because of that, the drawing of the winners out of all Facbook "likers" and mailers will take place at christams. The winners will be notified at christas on Facebook or via mail.
And here is, how you can participate:
And here is, how you can participate:
- If you didn't do it yet, listen to the album Mesopotamia by Cimelium.
- LIKE the Facebook page of Cimelium
- Write at the Cimelium Facebook Wall, which song on the Mesopota album you like most (maybe why? ;))
"STOOOP! I have no Facebook !!!"
No problem. You can still participate: Just write a mail to cimelium@alionmind.com and tell me which song on the Mesopota album you like most (maybe why? ;))
Cimelium speaks German!
Well, it is about time that the german speaking audience of Cimelium gets their own musical home on the web. First, because Cimelium evolved out of the alionsonny project "Alion Meditations", Cimelium had mostly US american listeners. But this has changed drastically in 2012. A still small but nice crowd of Germans is since then growing, so I think it is the right time to not just create a german Blog, but also completely redesign the Cimelium Homepage, so it has a german version also. Since I planned to re-work the homepages of all my projects, I think this is one of the most consequent steps.
I am also proud to announce a weepstakes taking place soon, where you can win one of five free downloads of the album "Mesopotamia". Stay tuned...
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
"Mesopotamia" by Cimelium is now available on Routenote for just 8,45$!
Yeah, that went quick. Thanks to James Bennett at Routenote and a big apology by me, because the problem with the album was indeed MY FAULT. I didn't simply understand the difference between 1415 and 1425 pixels. I think I never felt that stupid in my whole life. Ok, but now everything is great and James even was so kind to approve the album immediately. So i am happy as a man can be. So, if you want the album right now and have no problems paying in US$, THIS IS WHERE TO CLICK to get to the albums page in my Routenote Shop. If you did not pre-listen the whole album by now, you can do it there aswell as on the Cimelium Soundcloud page. Have fun, folks!
Ahh, by the way: If you want to listen to most of the tracks of the album and watch wonderful impressions from my favorite place on earth (Madeira), there are 4 parts of my video series AlionLive Madeira available to do so. Here they are:
Ahh, by the way: If you want to listen to most of the tracks of the album and watch wonderful impressions from my favorite place on earth (Madeira), there are 4 parts of my video series AlionLive Madeira available to do so. Here they are:
Monday, October 22, 2012
Done! The last track for the album "Mesopotamia" has been finnished!
...and so I am ready to release that album. Currently there are some major problems with Routenote, my music distributor again. I tried to upload the album yesterday to Routenote, but there was a problem with the upload of the coverart, so the process stuck right at the start. I wasn't even able to upload a single song. So I am very sorry, that you will have to wait until their support answers my mail. This takes usually between 2-4 days. Then we have to wait until the album is approved by them. This may take up to several weeks. then the album will be available at my Routenote shop. Until it is then available at iTunes and Amazon will take another 2-6 weeks.
So you see, that it is even possible, that the album will not be in the shops until newyear. This sucks, yeah. But I can offer you an option to buy the album right now. Those who experienced the trouble (also because of Routenote) with the release of the first album of the Willma Poppen project, will allready know the process. But for the others here is how it works:
So you see, that it is even possible, that the album will not be in the shops until newyear. This sucks, yeah. But I can offer you an option to buy the album right now. Those who experienced the trouble (also because of Routenote) with the release of the first album of the Willma Poppen project, will allready know the process. But for the others here is how it works:
- The price for the album is 9,90 Euro or US$
- Send me that ammount of cash either to my Paypal (alionsonny@alionsonny.com) or send me a mail to the same address if you do not like Paypal for any reason. I will then provide you with banking details for a bank transfer.
- If you payed via Paypal, please send me an additional mail with an e-mailaddress, to which I can send the album.
- Once I receive your payment, I will send you the album in an archive via mail.
- IMPORTANT: Please make sure, that your mailaccount allows attachments up to 150 MB!
- If you are, for any reason, unable to receive the album via e-mail, please provide me with a postal address, so I can send you the album via postal mail
Again, I'm very sorry for the inconvinience. It is not really my fault. Once I earn enough cash by selling albums, I will for sure use another distribution service. But now no more bad vibrations, here's the last song for the "Mesopotamia" album!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Next-to-last track for the "Mesopotamia" album is ready for you!
With giant steps I head towards the release of the "Mesopotamia" album. Only one more track and we are ready to go. The track "Enlil", which I uploaded yesterday allready and just somehow forgot to promote at the blogs, is again somewhat different than the other tracks. It is, what i call a "free floater", which means, that there's no prominent and particular melody line or alike, but just a floating carpet of sound. It mainly consists only of a pad-synth which I sampled and then mangled thru a sequence of effects units which are constantly automated to achieve an evolving soundscape. Still I added some string-instrument arpeggio and some majestic brass-thingies to enhance the listening experience. Well, again i hope you enjoy what you hear and I'll do my best to finnish that remaining song for the album this weekend so the album can be released next week.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
New song "Tiamat" has been released!
Yes, long time no news here, but now it has happened: One of the last 3 missing tracks for the album has been released and it's title is "Tiamat". I am quite proud to announce that the first Cimelium album "Mesopotamia" will be finally released until the end of October. 2 tracks are still missing and I will work hard to get those finnished in the leftover barely 2 weeks of this month. One is even allmost ready and just needs a bit of variation and polishing. But now have fun with the latest release "Tiamat"!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
New song "Ad Hominem" was just released!
Yes, a new song by Cimelium has been released and it is not for the long awaited and still not released album "Mesopotamia". Somehow I had no new ideas for the still missing songs for that album. But be patient, it will be released soon. This new song is one which does not in ANY way fit on the "Mesopotamia" album, but will most probably be on a future album.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Inanna - New track for the "Mesopotamia" album!
I thought, it was about time to create a new track for the first Cimelium album and came up with this track. People told me, that it doesn't fit the other tracks created so far for the "Mesopotamia" album, but I do not agree. I think it pretty much fits into the concept. And as I am the only one who knows that concept in depth by now, I think that I should know best what fits in that concept. ;)
The tracks for the albums so far are different from eachother at all. And that is completely intended. I didn't want to do another "Tubular Bells" style album where everything floats into another nicely, but something like an accoustic photo album. I ilke it how each track is different from the other and I will also do not arrange the tracks in any particular oder to achieve some kind of a story.
So here is the 10th track for the "Mesopotamia" album which will be released once I have the magic 13 tracks for it finnished. Enjoy "Inanna" !!!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Here's Cimelium!
Welcome to realms of CIMELIUM! Sit down by the fire, adventurer and listen to the sounds of magic and mystery. CIMELIUM takes you on an unforgettable inner journey in time and space. Yeah, so it says on the brandnew CIMELIUM Website, which will be available soon (about 24 hours) after this Blog is started. And this is no empty promise, my friends. Those of you, who allready listened to some of the works or this project will allready know this. So, if there are any people reading this who do not know what is Cimelium all about, I'll describe it briefly. I am Jürgen Wolther from Hamburg / Germany. I'm better known by my artist name alionsonny, under which I became quite known in the field of Reggae, Dub and, as I call it, reggaelike sounds. Back in 2009, when I experienced some health problems, I recognized that the source of those problems was mainly in the soul and not the body. So I started to experiment with various forms of Meditation and soon found "my own style". And as I love music, that own style of meditation needed a suitable kind of music. So I researched about so called Meditation Music and soon was more depressed than ever before, because what i found was either boring, ugly or in another way not my cup of tea. So i thought about creating my own Meditation Music and this was the birth of the project "Alion Meditations", and album project I planned to release under the artist name alionsonny. So I produced various tracks titled "Meditation One" to "Meditation Nine". Over the time it became more an more clear, that I could not maintain the original project idea, because the sounds moved too far away from the original approach. So in late 2011 the following happened: After releasing a wide variety of musical styles under the artist name alionsonny since 2004, i finally recognized, that doing so confuses not just some folks in my audience. And not just that: It even made some folks very angry, because they focussed on a particular genre/style of music I was producing and got mad when i released something completely different. And even more, some people didn't even know that i was doing anything different than reggaelike music, because alionsonny was so much known for that kind of music. So something had to change. this together with the insight, that the original "Alion Meditation" idea was no longer to maintain, I decided to start a new musical project under a completely new and as much recognizable artistname as alionsonny is. And that project should have as little to do with Reggae and Dub as possible, but feature the kind of music which I was seeing the "Alion Meditations" music was more and more developing into. I call it Chillout, ambient and Electronic Ethno music. Well, I think this is a description which is vague enough to allow a maximum of creative freedom, but at the same time gives the audience not just an idea what music they have to expect when it is released under the name "CIMELIUM". So far for the short history of that project.
So, what's next? As most of you will know, CIMELIUM released the first genuine CIMELIUM track, titled "Rabacal" some days ago. Genuine means, that it was the first track which was not released before as a "Alion Meditations" track. But still those old "Alion Meditations" tracks are about to be released as the first CIMELIUM music album. My girlfriend and me were brainstorming one night about a thematic idea which would suit the music and fit into the CIMELIUM concept. And from the start it was quite clear that the album will be themed by the ancient mesopotamian culture which fascinates both of us very much. So to end a long story: There are about 3 tracks still to finnish for that album, which will be titled "Mesopotamia". So I will rename and re-release all "Alion Meditations" tracks, once the brandnew CIMELIUM website goes online, then finnish the remaining 3 tracks and then release the album. We even finnished the coverart for that album allready and here it is:
So, what's next? As most of you will know, CIMELIUM released the first genuine CIMELIUM track, titled "Rabacal" some days ago. Genuine means, that it was the first track which was not released before as a "Alion Meditations" track. But still those old "Alion Meditations" tracks are about to be released as the first CIMELIUM music album. My girlfriend and me were brainstorming one night about a thematic idea which would suit the music and fit into the CIMELIUM concept. And from the start it was quite clear that the album will be themed by the ancient mesopotamian culture which fascinates both of us very much. So to end a long story: There are about 3 tracks still to finnish for that album, which will be titled "Mesopotamia". So I will rename and re-release all "Alion Meditations" tracks, once the brandnew CIMELIUM website goes online, then finnish the remaining 3 tracks and then release the album. We even finnished the coverart for that album allready and here it is:

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